Feathers from the Fall







Doktor Von Psycho

OD 1.27.2004 [6:24 p.m.]

WWWWHHHHAAAAT! lessa told me you were all SERIOUS about my kinraid thing!!!! she cped me. OMFG. I AM DYING.

that is..


diTerces: oh man! the kin raid...

diTerces: *LMAO*

diTerces: Mei was so....

diTerces: Serious....

diTerces: about it..... "I don't think we should be encouraging him..."

diTerces: "am I the only one who doesn't think this is a good idea?"


diTerces: "I'll NPC if they really insist.. but not existing kin!...."


Damon Sands: *DYYYYINNNG*

Damon Sands: *DYING.*

diTerces: oh it was fucking HYSTERICAL..

Damon Sands: *DY. ING.*

Damon Sands: did you tell her i was kidding?

Damon Sands: well, i wasn't kidding about mass-hitting-upon scene!!

Damon Sands: but COME ON

Damon Sands: would i EVER.

Damon Sands: EVER.

Damon Sands: run a mass-rape?!

Damon Sands: would my strict moral code allow that!?

Damon Sands: (ANSWER!! *LMAO*)

diTerces: YES! *LMAO*

diTerces: I told her that...

diTerces: I was like.. "Common, this is DAMON..."

Damon Sands: damon can barely type a post where his char beats up a chick!!

diTerces: and she's all "EXACTLY" and I was like WHAT? and she was like... he'll start it and then someone will really want to DO it!

diTerces: *LMAO*


diTerces: She had these visions of you like...

diTerces: all storming in...

Damon Sands: but i'm flattered that she thinks i'm such a ringleader *LMAO*

Damon Sands: *DIES*

diTerces: grabbing unsuspecting kin by the hair

diTerces: CAVE DAMON style...

diTerces: and DRAGGING them off....

Damon Sands: and letting imogen get carried off?!

diTerces: oh no! SHE wouldn't be a PARTY to such a SCENE!

diTerces: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: i think she really thought i was like, abandoning all my principles and reducing kin to like. NPC STATUS!

diTerces: I think so too... but I defended ya! *L* and we all know all them boys who were there are nothing without their ringleader. *LMAO*

Damon Sands: *DIES* well, i told her afterwards.

Damon Sands: she was still all cuatious.

Damon Sands: i dunno if i convinced her.

Damon Sands: i think she still thinks i secretly wanna carry off the kin and rape them *DIES*

Damon Sands: OMFG

Damon Sands: that is just

Damon Sands: GOLDEN

Damon Sands: all serious mei:

Damon Sands: "we shouldn't encrouage him"

Damon Sands: OMFG FIND THE LOG!!!

Damon Sands: I WANNA SEE THIS!!!!

(see at this point i still thought she was EXAGGERATING)

diTerces: *LMAO* ok... I think it was on trill.

diTerces: hang on

Damon Sands: ok, DL's obsession with BM scares me *LOL*

diTerces: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: ...if mei were here now, she'd be telling you not to encourage me, again *LMAO*

diTerces: *LMAO* yes indeed...

diTerces: she's so... serious sometimes. *L*

Damon Sands: STAID>

Damon Sands: STAID MEI.

Damon Sands: *has a few vodka shots in em*

Damon Sands: me.

diTerces: [21:38] Bodhar: okay... would it SERIOUSLY be fun for any kinfolk players to have their PCs raided?

[21:38] Bodhar: am I just being thick headed?

[21:39] diTerces: *L* nope, it wouldn't be much fun I don't think.

[21:39] diTerces: not many of the kin are the cave man type.

[21:39] Bodhar: Okay. I'll kick Damon in the head.



Damon Sands: anythingg sels?

Damon Sands: else*

Damon Sands: oh god

Damon Sands: i love mei. i seriously do. she is SO. FUNNY.

Damon Sands: she SO completely overestimates my insanity.

Damon Sands: today i was talking about revolution and she thought i was gonna pull another CbN-raid.

diTerces: [21:44] Bodhar: (cracks up) you're not HELPING me turn them off this kinraid thing...

[21:44] diTerces: Oh sorry. *LMAO*

[21:45] Bodhar: Especially because NOW friggin' Wolf and Lich are all over it.

[21:45] diTerces: Wolf isn't really. *L*

[21:45] Bodhar: (Laughs) he sounds like it.

[21:45] diTerces: Nah - you don't know him like i do. *L*

[21:45] diTerces: he's rationalizing it for them in to pompous a manner...

[21:46] Bodhar: Heh. and note his next post.

[21:46] Bodhar: Hell, I'll play friggin' NPCs for them.

[21:46] diTerces: *LMAO*

[21:46] Bodhar: they can raid them all they want.

[21:46] diTerces: *LOL* they're not gonna raid no one. *L*

[21:46] Bodhar: No, probably not. (laughs) BUT!

[21:46] Bodhar: sometimes? They actually talk about this shit and actually do it.


"sometimes? they actually do this shit!!!" you were so .. WIDE EYED AND SHOCKED. oh god. *DYING*)

[21:47] diTerces: [21:46] diTerces: you KNOW they're all talk.

[21:46] diTerces: *L*

[21:46] diTerces: its Damon for crissakes.

[21:46] diTerces: ahem.

[21:46] diTerces: wrong window.

[21:47] diTerces: there.

[21:47] diTerces: since I sent it to wolf.

[21:47] diTerces: *LMAO*

[21:58] Bodhar: (LOL) Yeah, but Damon's nuts.


[21:58] diTerces: *LMOA*

[21:59] diTerces: yeah... but not really THAT nuts.


[21:59] diTerces: I'd jsut have Mina give him a wedgie!

[21:59] diTerces: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: Damon Sands: today i was talking about revolution and she thought i was gonna pull another CbN-raid.

Damon Sands: repost!

Damon Sands: hee

diTerces: *ROTFLMAO*

Damon Sands: [21:46] Bodhar: sometimes? They actually talk about this shit and actually do it.

diTerces: ANd then we started talking about Hamish and his balls. *L*

(which, btw, CRACKED ME UP TOO. "You just lost one." *DEAD*)


Damon Sands: [21:58] Bodhar: (LOL) Yeah, but Damon's nuts.

Damon Sands: !!!!

Damon Sands: i'm so insulted!

Damon Sands: [21:59] diTerces: yeah... but not really THAT nuts.

Damon Sands: thank you

Damon Sands: *LOL*

diTerces: Told ya I stood up for ya. *LMAO*

Damon Sands: OMFG!

Damon Sands: she really thinks i'm insane!!

diTerces: We'd shanghei you! *L*

Damon Sands: *emails her angrily!!!*

Damon Sands: *LMAO*!

diTerces: NO!

diTerces: *OLMAO*

Damon Sands: YES!

Damon Sands: *LMFAO*

diTerces: NOOO!

diTerces: *BITES*

Damon Sands: "

Damon Sands: *bitten*


Damon Sands: "RAAAARRR!"

Damon Sands: ":*stomps off*"

diTerces: *DIES*

Damon Sands: "goodnight."

Damon Sands: *is really. dying now.*

diTerces: and then she'll yell at ME!!!

Damon Sands: OOOOMFG

Damon Sands: i had no idea she was THAT serious about it

--and i really didnt'! omfg! what sorta monster do you take me for! omfg! i'd be SO insulted if i weren't laughing so hard. i just can't get over the "STOP ENCOURAGING HIM! this is DAMON! he's NUTS! he'll actually DO IT!" bit. CHRIST WOMAN!!! did you really think i was about to run a mass rape scene!?

*just.. .DYING*

it was never supposed to be that. i dunno how it warped. it was just supposed to be a mass hit-on-kin scene, at most. like "okay boys, saddle up! we're gonna gitchall HONORABLY MATED! first we hit the fianna camp, then we hit the silver fangs..."

man!! i'm insulted! you thought i was gonna run a mass rape scene! BAH! do you not know me and my principles at all!


heh, and then the CHAT room was just CHAOS tonight. here are the choice bits:

bred and butta: DL has a kin? who? when? how?

Damon Sands: *dies* i love it when the hyenas fight, and there's all this dog-barking noise

bred and butta: Ed is my favorite

Bloodmane69: She playtested one last night

Bloodmane69: when me, her, Barney and exalted were left

CrazySwede69: *chuckles* innocent my butt lol

bred and butta: just laughs

Stitchs Doll: heh

Damon Sands: *grumps* i can't believe dharma smacked playtesting down.

Bloodmane69: *cracks up*

CrazySwede69: me either... stupid thing to do

ErthW0rm: lets kill her

bred and butta: Im not going to say anything about it..well this..sign language you say there BM? LMAO

Bloodmane69: DL just said 'It's like Jaws man'

Bloodmane69: Everyone chugging along fine.. everyone having fun...

Bloodmane69: then the theme music starts playing...

Bloodmane69: and up comes the shark

[*fucking DIED* that is SO PERFECT.]

diTerces: duhDUN...

diTerces: duhDUN...

Bloodmane69: *swims fast!*

diTerces: <-obviously hasn't gotten much sleep yet. heh.

Damon Sands: DL said that about who?

Bloodmane69: Dharma

Damon Sands: dharma? *LMFAO*

Damon Sands: omfg, i love her now

Damon Sands: that's so f'ing perfect

diTerces: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: considering... she USES THAT SHARK as her forums avatar

ErthW0rm: LOL

Bloodmane69: Yup!

diTerces: Bruce...

diTerces: gotta love bruce...

bred and butta: hey now..she's pregnant, latino and well already slightly disturbed...no one saw this coming? lol

Damon Sands: bruce rocked *LOL*

CrazySwede69: *LOL*

Damon Sands: and heh. i saw it coming. but i didn't think THIS SOON.

diTerces: he did!

Bloodmane69: I didnt think it would be this bad

Damon Sands: i thought i had another month before she came back and like...hated me for actually doing something.

Damon Sands: no, i was prepared to be hated *LOL*

bred and butta: *just whistles*

diTerces: *pats damon* but I love you. So it's ok. *chuckles*

Bardic Obsession has entered the room.

Bloodmane69: *reels in DL*

Bardic Obsession: Ow!

Bloodmane69: you like it

diTerces: *smacks BM* mean!

diTerces: be nice!

Bloodmane69: OW!!

diTerces: Sheesh.

diTerces: Some peoples kids.

Bloodmane69: *cowers and scuttles away*

diTerces: *cackles*

Bardic Obsession: *catches BM*

diTerces: first I made him cry.

diTerces: now he' cowers.


Damon Sands: *LOL* DL: your shark thang cracked me up

Bloodmane69: it's the goddamn yello

Bloodmane69: w

diTerces: haha

Bardic Obsession: I just stated the first thing that came to mind.

diTerces: I've got th'power!

Bardic Obsession: I had an image of a nice day on the beach... and then that theme started playing.

Damon Sands: DUHdum. DUHdum. DUHdumDUHdumDUHdumDUHdum CHOMP!

Bardic Obsession: Voices cried out in terror. And then the theme started fading into the distance, leaving everybody shaken and crying out for harpoon guns and a bigger boat.

[i was just.... LOSING IT COMPLETELY.

a little later -- ]

Bloodmane69: rock.. someone through me a leftover meal

Bloodmane69: threw

Bloodmane69: fuck I cant believe I typed that

bred and butta: LOL

diTerces: Neither can we.

diTerces: We're all appalled.

diTerces: AGHAST even.

Bloodmane69: we shall never speak of this again

diTerces: Tsk.

Bardic Obsession: Aghast is my word!

Bardic Obsession: Mine!

Bloodmane69: lmao :)

bred and butta: LOL

Bloodmane69: ooo bagel

Bardic Obsession: I bought it from Webster!

diTerces: *Snort* Prove it! *L*

Damon Sands: *has no idea why people are aghast* *slow*

Bardic Obsession: I have the receipt!

Damon Sands: SHOW ME!

Bardic Obsession: I don't have a scanner. *sniff*

Damon Sands: uh huh.

Damon Sands: that's what they all say, lady.

Bardic Obsession: What, am I supposed to press it to the screen and hopes it goes through via osmosis?

Stitchs Doll: yes

diTerces: No proof, no claim.

Damon Sands: exactly. come on. push hard. i'll plaster my eyeballs on the screen from this end.

diTerces: Therefore.

diTerces: I am.

Damon Sands: *PLASTER*

diTerces: AGHAST!

Damon Sands: O_O

diTerces: eeeeeeeeeeew....

diTerces: *pokes*

Bardic Obsession: *giggles*


Damon Sands: OW!!

Damon Sands: x_O

diTerces: *pokes*

Damon Sands: OUCH!!!


Damon Sands: x_x

diTerces: *squeegies off screen*

Stitchs Doll: dear god.

Damon Sands: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: shann, i love how you go away

Damon Sands: and then come back

Damon Sands: and get all shocked

Stitchs Doll: no shit!

diTerces: APPALLED even.

diTerces: AGHAST!

Stitchs Doll: yes

diTerces: *LAMO*

Damon Sands: AGHAST!

ErthW0rm: you guys are on drugs


Damon Sands: let's take over the site!

ErthW0rm: must be

ErthW0rm: yeah!

diTerces: DRUGS! who has drugs and why ain't you sharing?

Damon Sands: i think erica can lock dharma outta her shit *LOL!*

diTerces: WHOOHOO!

diTerces: REvolution!

ErthW0rm: LOL!

Damon Sands: REVOLT!!!!!

diTerces: Can you HEAR the people SING...

ErthW0rm: We will take over the site with the cunning use of flags!

CrazySwede69: oh bloody hell lol

diTerces: Singing the SONGS of ANGRY MEN...

diTerces: It is the Music of a PEOPLE who will NOT be slaves AGAIN!

Damon Sands: heh. i mentioned revolution to mei earlier? she thought i meant hacking the site for real.

[and this was BEFORE the lessa revelations! god knows what you thought of me THEN! my god, you think i'm a complete psycho. no wonder you were all amazed by my debate skills. obviously you think i'm as thick-skulled as decker, only slightly more hyper!]

Bardic Obsession: WW: I love you.

Damon Sands: she was all sensible and cautious:

diTerces: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: "I think that's not such a good idea."

ErthW0rm: LOL. I'm glad somebody got it DL. :)

diTerces: That's our Mei...

Damon Sands: "Because at most it'll shut down, and then where would we play?"

[and later...]

Stitchs Doll: *SCREAMS*

Damon Sands: whaaa..?

Bloodmane69: *looks up*

Stitchs Doll: holy mother fucking...

Bloodmane69: whats up?

Damon Sands: wtf is up with you? *LOL*

Stitchs Doll: Duuuuude!!

Stitchs Doll: its raining

Damon Sands: oh for god's sake.

Bloodmane69: raining..

Damon Sands: i thought you were getting mugged or something.

Bloodmane69: .. yes.. it's raining.. go on?

Stitchs Doll: and there's this big o' fucking clash of thunder and lighting right out side my house.

bred and butta: no..she's an alien and water is her bane


you know it's bad when you start liking ITZZY because you feel him on the dharma issues...]

Damon Sands: oooo, okay

Stitchs Doll: it fucking rattled the entire house

Damon Sands: turn off the computer before it explodes! *LOL*

Bloodmane69: aahh now I see the source of your anxiety

[and later again]

Bloodmane69: Ive always found thatt he dough tastes better than the cookies

Bloodmane69: hence the fascination with cookie dough ice cream

Damon Sands: yuck, i'm kinda grossed out by the idea of cookie dough.

Damon Sands: it's like... RAW EGGS and FLOUR. ugh.

CrazySwede69: Heh.. well, raw eggs isnt that bad.. i mean.. red eye works pretty good : )

Bloodmane69: well actually when you find it in ice cream its not raw eggs

Bloodmane69: its a substitute

Damon Sands: oh great, hormone-injected corn syrup *LOL*

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

Bloodmane69: hehe

Bloodmane69: mmm mmmm good

Bloodmane69: I love me some growth hormones

CrazySwede69: for those authentic man-titties huh?

Bloodmane69: that's steroids :)

Damon Sands: yeah, GH just gives you like mondohuge hands and feet *LOL*

Stitchs Doll: it does?

Bloodmane69: and.. other appendages.. *adjusts*

Damon Sands: no. heh. once you cook it it's fucked up.

Stitchs Doll: O.o...

Bloodmane69: lmao

Damon Sands: but if you had, say, a tumor that pumped out massive amounts of GH?

Damon Sands: yeah. you get hypertrophism and you end up with huge hands and feet.

Damon Sands: if you have it when you're still growing normally, you'll end up a giant. andre the giant? most likely had GH issues.

Bloodmane69: and you know what they say about huge hands and feet...

Bloodmane69: I hear he had more teeth in his head than normal

Damon Sands: it's also known to cause sterility and impotence.

Bloodmane69: first I can handle.. second? not so much

Damon Sands: *cracks up* actually, it doesn't. or if it does, it's not a major effect.

Damon Sands: i just put that in to be a dick *LOL*

Bloodmane69: Im aware :)

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

Bloodmane69: I never trust your advice Damon. It's always tainted with Damonness

CrazySwede69: Yes Damon, thats why we loveyou lol

Damon Sands: *LOL* hell, i almost had poor jacen drinking concentrated NaOH base to cure a heartburn

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

Damon Sands: (though i thought i was being so obvious he woulda called me on it)

Bloodmane69: or comet

Damon Sands: *dies* that was so bad. but so funny.


Damon Sands: "you're trying to kill me!"

[were you there for that? i was SO amused/appalled!]

CrazySwede69: *LOL* Man... People know your a doctor.. they listen to you dammit lol you cant go around saying shit likie that LOL

CrazySwede69: *knows he would have done exactly the same, but isnt a doc, so can be all psuedomoralic*

Damon Sands: *dies*

Damon Sands: well, i ALWAYS tell you guys.

Damon Sands: i don't give medical advice online. i barely ever give my opinion. i know nothing about you, nothing about your condition, nothing about your history.

Damon Sands: all the stuff i say are, at BEST, rough guesses.

Damon Sands: at worst, they could be completely wrong, and then i'd undermine your trust in YOUR doctor. which is very bad.

CrazySwede69: bah, I trust ya lol

Bloodmane69: I dont have a doctor. Quacks every one! ... oh wait..

CrazySwede69: youve only ever given me one opinion, and it turned out to be right lol

Damon Sands: that's exactly what i mean. because you know me, you might be more inclined to trust me. ergo, if i'm WRONG

Damon Sands: (and i'm 90% likely to be wrong when i'm making a diagnosis from a bunch of words on a screen)

CrazySwede69: yeah, i see your point )

Damon Sands: and your doctor is RIGHT

Damon Sands: but then you listen to ME and DIE

diTerces: puhLEASE. I KNOW damon... therefore i DON"T trust him.

diTerces: sheesh!

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

Damon Sands: i'm gonna feel like shit *LOL*

diTerces: people are insane!

diTerces: *L*

diTerces: I mean...

CrazySwede69: well, then my trust in my doc wont be an issue, wil it? lol

diTerces: its DAMON

Damon Sands: (and when did i give you my opinion? *LOL*)

Damon Sands: oh right - something about a muscle ache?

diTerces: who rants on whether or not Imogen SLAMMED or CLOSED a DOOR for crissakes...

[she SLAMMED IT!!!!]

Damon Sands: *DIIIES*

CrazySwede69: Some time ago, I woke up with a friggin hole in my chest lol

Damon Sands: imogen's a sexy biaatch.

[i concur with myself!]

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

diTerces: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: a hole!? *LMAO* i don't remember THAT.

diTerces: my FAVORITE all time post of deckers

diTerces: was when you just got back..

Damon Sands: i musta confused you w/ liz. once she pulled her hamstring and thought she had flesh-eating bacteria *dies*

diTerces: and it was just...

diTerces: just...

diTerces: SUCH a GUY....

Damon Sands: *LOL* that adjustment?

diTerces: a TOTAL guy post.

[erm. do you know the post in question? *LOL*]

diTerces: YEAH!

CrazySwede69: Well, I didnt know what it was, Wolf told me to aks you, you said i had most likely just laid on my arm or something and diug a hole in my chyest lol

Damon Sands: god, she just kissed him blind and then walked out the door!!!

diTerces: it was hysterical!

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

Damon Sands: oh *LOL* *dies* that bruise!

Damon Sands: yeah, i remember.

diTerces: *LMAO*

CrazySwede69: lol yeah

CrazySwede69: i had never managed to do that before

diTerces: hell I get bruises all the time I don't know where they come from.

CrazySwede69: so i didnt know you even could do it to yourself lol

Damon Sands: heh. first time for everything *LOL* you'd be amazed what you can do to yourself.

CrazySwede69: *nods* Yeah, i can imagine lol

Damon Sands: ...particularly during sex.

[here comes an ER horror story]

Damon Sands: girl comes in.


CrazySwede69: *DIES*

Damon Sands: "abdomenal pains."

Damon Sands: 'why?

Damon Sands: "don't know."


CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

Bloodmane69: oh man.. Im not sure whether to laugh or wince

Damon Sands: "Ma'am, you seem to have a .... philips screwdriver in your vaginal canal. Do you have any idea how that got there?"

Damon Sands: innocent wide-eyed look: "No sir."

CrazySwede69: What do you tell her? "Dont shtuck your boyfriend so hard!" ??

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

diTerces: *oh just DIES*

Bloodmane69: that reminds me of a story

Bloodmane69: I just dont deal well with 'harmed orifice' stories

Damon Sands: DROVE HERSELF. i have no idea how she managed not to 1) squeeze it out 2) stab herself through the colon.

Damon Sands: *dies* harmed orifice *LMOA*

CrazySwede69: *is thinking all too dirty things about powertools*

Bloodmane69: oh my god

Bloodmane69: this is a true story

Damon Sands: share!

Bloodmane69: No I meant what you are saying

Bloodmane69: I thought you were fucking around

Damon Sands: *LMAO* NO

Damon Sands: it was a little screwdriver though

Bloodmane69: *twitches*

Damon Sands: i imagine if it was a big one she woulda been able to hold on to it.

diTerces: just a LITTLE one. *L*


Bloodmane69: the FUCK was she doing!?

diTerces: oh my god.

Damon Sands: i don't know. but i think she was using it as a dildo.

diTerces: *Just rolling*

Bloodmane69: That is NOT a proper self pleasure instrument

CrazySwede69: *cant read through the tears*

Damon Sands: and then either she or her bf kinda let go accidentally

Bloodmane69: It SHOULD say so on the manual

Damon Sands: slippery, you know *smirk*

diTerces: Maybe she thought that she could screw herself tighter?


Bloodmane69: The curling iron says so

Damon Sands: and then it was probably like a "uh oh. honey? we have a problem." moment.

Bloodmane69: screw herself tighter!?

Bloodmane69: that is so good!!

diTerces: *FLEX*

diTerces: *LMAO*

Bloodmane69: On multiple levels

Bloodmane69: oh my god

Damon Sands: *LMAO* taht was awful.

diTerces: Sleep dep does wonderful things for my one liners.

Damon Sands: i ever tell you guys about that woman who went to the ER with bad lacerations down her right forearm?

Damon Sands: drunk off her ass?

Bloodmane69: why didnt she just come out and say, "Doc.. Ive got a tool up my love canal.." instead of beating around the bush and letting you discover it yourself?

Bloodmane69: what was it? like a HAPPY SURPRISE for you?

[omfg, i was like, in tears almost]

Damon Sands: she was embarrassed, i guess *LOL*

Damon Sands: *DIES*

Damon Sands: maybe.

Bloodmane69: look Doc.. SURPRISE!

[and then i pretty much WAS in tears]

Damon Sands: *LMFAO*

diTerces: I bringed you a present!

Damon Sands: *dying now*

Damon Sands: i actually didn't think it was funny atm

diTerces: Couldn't find any wrapping paper...

diTerces: and wanted it to be a surprise....

Damon Sands: i was like...really bizarrified.

Damon Sands: i was like "WTF...?"

Bloodmane69: No it wouldnt be funny at all at the time

diTerces: course not - thats a funny after the fact story. *L*"

Bloodmane69: oh!

Bloodmane69: so how the fuck did you get it outta there!?

Damon Sands: and then later on, like 30 min afterwards, i took a break and sitting in the break room, just started to DIE laughing

Damon Sands: i reached in and got it?

Bloodmane69: *twitches*

Damon Sands: *LMAO* how ELSE? told her to hold her breathe and blow really hard?


Damon Sands: breath*

Bloodmane69: I have no idea!

Bloodmane69: But my morbid curiousity HAD to know

Damon Sands: i think either she did it to herself and couldn't reach, or her bf did it and freaked out.

Bloodmane69: ok so.. let me picture the scene here..

Bloodmane69: you have a sterilized glove and shit

Bloodmane69: with KY

Bloodmane69: and there's this chick here..

Damon Sands: it wasn't LODGED or anything. it was just up there.

Damon Sands: no!!! *LMAO*

Bloodmane69: and you gotta GO in

CrazySwede69: *DIES*

diTerces: *oh is just HOWLING now*

Damon Sands: i took her up to gynecology and used those baby-head clamps

[that baby-head clamps thing comes back to haunt me.]

Bloodmane69: clamps

Bloodmane69: and shit like that

diTerces: babyhead clamps?!?!?!?!!?

diTerces: Forcepts!

diTerces: oh GOD>

diTerces: *LMAO*

Bloodmane69: so the chick is all clamped open

Bloodmane69: with this cold metal

Damon Sands: NONONO *LMFAO*

Bloodmane69: I want to hug her

Damon Sands: *dies*

Stitchs Doll: dear god...

Bloodmane69: lmao

diTerces: *in TEARS man*

Stitchs Doll: *walks away from the chat room and doesn't look back*

Damon Sands: essentially, pliers. big forceps. little ones couldn't grab it, dude, it was like slippery and round.

Stitchs Doll: every time!!

Bloodmane69: so you had to root around in there with a fucking tool basically....

diTerces: baby. head. clamps.

CrazySwede69: *fights for breath*

diTerces: *just.

diTerces: DYING*

Damon Sands: it wasn't ROOTING!

Bloodmane69: to get ANOTHER tool out!

Bloodmane69: oh sure!

Damon Sands: my god, this girl did NOT have like a CAVERN down there!

Bloodmane69: Doctors always have terms:

Damon Sands: that's what i CALL them! *LMAO*

diTerces: course not! she'd screwed herself tight!

Bloodmane69: exploratory surgery

Damon Sands: baby head clamps!

Bloodmane69: and shit like that

Damon Sands: *DIES*

Bloodmane69: for rooting around with a stick!

Damon Sands: *just LITERALLY LOLing*

Damon Sands: it wasn't funny at the time! she was like, REALLY panicked and upset.

[then shann returns... *LMAO*]

Stitchs Doll: you all are sick

Bloodmane69: I GUESS!

Bloodmane69: Sphinx.. we love you

Stitchs Doll: just plain sick.

Damon Sands: pffft.

Stitchs Doll: lol

[time passes...]

CrazySwede69: Hey, you even recalled your own claim that red head men were hot just cause i patted my lap and fluttered at ya! lol

Stitchs Doll: sensitive my ass.

Bloodmane69: you best be nicer to me

Damon Sands: heh. announcement! redhead women? ARE kinda hot.

Damon Sands: thank you for your time.

Damon Sands: carry on.

CrazySwede69: heh.. kinda? They are bloody sizzling! lol

Stitchs Doll: why.... Swede were you patting your lap at BM?

Bloodmane69: Because he thinks Im hot

Bloodmane69: because Im a redhead

Damon Sands: i never used to like 'em. the irony is, MOST the redheads i know are hot. but i've always had this bad image of like... orange hair, freckles, buck teeth.

CrazySwede69: Cause he is a red head *nods*


diTerces: [00:24] DamonSands: heh. announcement! redhead women? ARE kinda hot.[00:24] DamonSands: thank you for your time.[00:24] DamonSands: carry on.

Damon Sands: cuz i knew a chick like that in fifth grade.

diTerces: *just DYING*

Damon Sands: *LOL* it was IMPORTANT

Damon Sands: it was IMPORTANT!!!

Stitchs Doll: so... *L* I'm an artificial redhead

Damon Sands: y'all had to know that *LMAO*

Bloodmane69: it was a public servie message

Damon Sands: oh god, is it dark red? 8drools*

Damon Sands: i really fucking LOVE burgundy-red hair.

Bloodmane69: yes shann has dark red

Stitchs Doll: yes

CrazySwede69: *Grabs Shann* Mine!

diTerces: *LMAO*

diTerces: HEY!

Bloodmane69: HEY!

CrazySwede69: *raises club* Viiing style! mine!

diTerces: I've dyed my hair that color for YEARS

Bloodmane69: Mine, hippie!

diTerces: and no one grabs ME and sys "MINE"

diTerces: *SULK*

CrazySwede69: Hey, I already claimed you woman!

CrazySwede69: back in yur cave!

Bloodmane69: lmao!!

Bloodmane69: back in yur cave!

Bardic Obsession: Dammit. I'm mostly Irish, but I'm still a brunette. It's like.. all the downsides, not a single advantage. Not even green eyes.

Bloodmane69: that rocks!!

Damon Sands: Viiing?

Damon Sands: *LMAO*

Stitchs Doll: I'm being claimed?

CrazySwede69: Well, same as Viking, but typoed *nods*

Stitchs Doll: *LOL*

diTerces: HEY!

Bloodmane69: DL, I got plenty of redhead in me.. dont need it in others

CrazySwede69: hell yeah!

Stitchs Doll: well this is nothing new

Damon Sands: you know, shann has HUGE tits.

Damon Sands: *ducks*

diTerces: I will NOT be shoved alone in a cave *SOBS*

diTerces: Mine are bigger

Bloodmane69: *cracks up!*

Stitchs Doll: DAMON!!

diTerces: sheesh.

Bardic Obsession: BM: You'll marry me, then?

[that was what inspired the "DL's obsession with BM scares me" comment.]


Bloodmane69: CONTEST!!!!

[this is where it REALLY gets immature]

CrazySwede69: *ROFL* who said something about alone? ill be alog with mah new redhea din a abit!

diTerces: WHOOHOO!

Damon Sands: CONTEST!!!!

diTerces: ok, that's accpetable. *LMAO*

Damon Sands: PICTURES!!!

Bloodmane69: CONTEST!!!!!

diTerces: *LMAO* damon you've SEEN pictures!

Stitchs Doll: What about pictures?

Bloodmane69: The men in this chat should be the judges

Damon Sands: i wanna see like, in-profile pics.

Bloodmane69: we will hold votes

Damon Sands: stick 'em out, ladies!

CrazySwede69: *nodnod* im all for tha contest!

Bloodmane69: and.. stuff

diTerces: *ROTFLMAO*

Stitchs Doll: I am not showing you my tits, Damon.

Damon Sands: you already DID. clothed, alas.

Stitchs Doll: clothed!

Damon Sands: guys, just tell her you thinkshe's a guy.

CrazySwede69: Alas!

Damon Sands: she'll prove she's not soon enough.

Damon Sands: shann, we think you're a guy. disprove it!

CrazySwede69: *LOL* so thats the way to do it huh? lol

Bloodmane69: hehee

Stitchs Doll: uh-huh..

Bloodmane69: CONTEST!!!!

Stitchs Doll: all because I have a webcam means I ain't abusingit

Damon Sands: *dies*

Damon Sands: i got a ... cell phone cam? i'll take a pic of my dick.

Damon Sands: *LMFAO*

Damon Sands: KIDDING.

Stitchs Doll: Sure damon

CrazySwede69: *DIES*

Bloodmane69: one of those miniature ones eh?

Damon Sands: hell no!!!!

Stitchs Doll: You show me and I'll show you

Damon Sands: the cell phone, not the dick *kicks*

Damon Sands: and HELL NO

CrazySwede69: *ROLLING*

Stitchs Doll: *LOL*

Bloodmane69: hehe

Damon Sands: bri'd kill me *LOL*

Stitchs Doll: She'll never know

Damon Sands: actually, the cell's a flip-phone *LOL* i don't like the tiny ones.

diTerces: I want one!

diTerces: *L*

Damon Sands: i can't hold on to 'em. i keep dropping them.

Bloodmane69: I hate those little phones

Damon Sands: and those fucking tiny buttons!

Bloodmane69: gah!

Damon Sands: you have to push 'em with your fingernails. and i cut mine pretty blunt, so it's impossible to aim.

Bloodmane69: it's made for fucking smurfs in the smurf village

Stitchs Doll: I don't even think i still have pics of me.. I delete alot of shit from my harddrive

Damon Sands: it's like MASHMASH MASH

Damon Sands: no, girls like 'em

Damon Sands: they poke it with their pinkies.

CrazySwede69: poor excuse shann lol

Damon Sands: yeahhh, shabby excuse. you have a webcam.

Stitchs Doll: seriously *L*

Stitchs Doll: *just realized something*

CrazySwede69: *passes the beer around*

Stitchs Doll: *kidnaps Bloodmane*

Damon Sands: lessa

Damon Sands: i'm outta squares in PMSs

Damon Sands: PMs*

CrazySwede69: *blinks*

Damon Sands: i'm talking to her in IMs *LOL*

[and here your apparent thought of me as monster is known to the world!]

Damon Sands: apparently mei thought i was gonna lead a massive kin rape scene for real

Damon Sands: she was like

CrazySwede69: ROFL

Stitchs Doll: she did?

Damon Sands: PMing lessa to STOP ME before i did something to piss everyone off

Damon Sands: *LOL* YES!!!!

Damon Sands: she thinks i'm a monster!

diTerces: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: *fucking DYING*

Damon Sands: i made lessa show me the convo

Damon Sands: omfg it was hilarious

Damon Sands: mei was so SHOCKED and SERIOUS

diTerces: and she somehow...

diTerces: thinks that _I_

diTerces: have CONTROL

Damon Sands: and she was all "this is DAMON."

diTerces: over DAMON

diTerces: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: "he's NUTS."

Damon Sands: "and sometimes he actually DOES this shit."

Damon Sands: *DIIIIES*

Damon Sands: *fucking DINGING.*

diTerces: *just ROLLLLLLLLLLING*

Damon Sands: omfg. *dying*

Damon Sands: y'all knew i wasn't really gonna lead a kin-rape scene, right? *LOL*

Damon Sands: that was NEVER the intention. not even jokingly.

Damon Sands: i can envision fenrir doing it in the olden days, but not now.

Damon Sands: (if i ever run Dark Ages... HEH.)

Damon Sands: omfggg. i gotta spring more psycho ideas on y'all.

Damon Sands: when mei's in the room.

Damon Sands: just to scare her.

diTerces: I have some really good weed that I've had stashed for liek a year. *L*

Damon Sands: HEY! VAMPIRE RAID! let's go kill shrike's system!

diTerces: NO!!!

Bloodmane69: Fuck YES

diTerces: LEt's go kill MATTY!!!

Bloodmane69: Im totally in

Damon Sands: YES! it'll be FUN!!!!

diTerces: ZOWIE!!!

Damon Sands: WOOOOT!

Bloodmane69: No I like Tidal

Damon Sands: ZOWIE!

diTerces: THAT"S AN IDEA!

diTerces: *BEAMS!!!!*

Bloodmane69: Sabbat AND Vampire

Damon Sands: and then mei in PMs to lessa:

Damon Sands: "Stop encouraging him."

Damon Sands: "He'll DO it."

Bloodmane69: err Cam

Damon Sands: "this is DAMON."

Damon Sands: "he's NUTS."

diTerces: *HAHAHAHHAH&

Damon Sands: *HOWLING*

Damon Sands: god, what have i done to earn such a bad rep?! *LMAO*

Damon Sands: just INCOGGED a few times.

Damon Sands: my incog chars were TAME

Damon Sands: it was my incog char's PACKMATE who diarrhea'd all over the grand elder's bathroom *DIES*


Damon Sands: that was...THE. SWEETEST. SCENE.

[oh man, i still think that was GOLDEN *LMAO* years from now, mei, you too will laugh.]

Damon Sands: wait, that wasn't grand elder. that was just some hoity toity fenrir of fianna's.

Damon Sands: god that man played the PUSSIEST fenrir i've ever seen

Damon Sands: they were like PRETTY and GENTILLE, every last one of them.

diTerces: ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!

Damon Sands: fucking SILVER FANGS masquerading as fenrir, is what. all POLITE and CHIVALROUS and shit. GAGGGGH.

[you gotta admit, his fenrir were spectacularly gay!!]

Damon Sands: (you can tell i'm revved up cuz every other word is capitalized)

diTerces: Oh NO!

Damon Sands: and then he had this one crappyass pussified fenrir with a house in the swamps?

diTerces: he's gonna start us on a new crusade!

diTerces: *L*

Damon Sands: and my incog guy's packmate went in

Damon Sands: had a MASSIVE tostada attack

Damon Sands: and like... just... SHAT EVERYWHERE

Damon Sands: omfg, it was beautiful. i laughed so hard i couldn't breathe.

Damon Sands: ya'll are too quiet! *LMAO* why aren't you as hyper as me?

[some time later, when i've COMPLETELY LOST ALL MY SANITY...]

CrazySwede69: *grabs Lessa and drags her into a corner for some nice comforting*

CrazySwede69: Side order of: handcuffs

diTerces: WHOOOHOOO! *

Lich 613: eeek!

Damon Sands: imogen's got handcuffs. i can't get over that. *drools*

Lich 613: my hostage has been captured!

diTerces: *DIES*

diTerces: Pink fuzzy ones even....

Damon Sands: no!

Damon Sands: REAL ones.

diTerces: *LMAO* I know!

Damon Sands: she didn't take the pink fuzzy ones. decker took 'em home.

CrazySwede69: *LOL*

Stitchs Doll has left the room.

Lich 613: Smokey has a handcuff key :D

Damon Sands: i don't even know which is hotter, imogen in handcuffs or imogen using handcuffs.

Damon Sands: <--has ISSUES.

Damon Sands: <--is INSANE.

CrazySwede69: hmm..

Lich 613: but I get the feeling we are diffrent wavelengths

diTerces: <- is not surprised by that...

Damon Sands: <--is TALKING ABOUT A CHAR.

Stitchs Doll has entered the room.

Damon Sands: yay!

Damon Sands: shann's back.

diTerces: at least it's not BM's char. *LMAO*

Bardic Obsession has entered the room.

Damon Sands: yay!

Damon Sands: DL's back.

Lich 613: Kind of hyper tonight isn't he?

diTerces: just a little.... *L*

CrazySwede69: kind of? *chuckles*

Damon Sands: *LOL* i'm ... wired.

Lich 613: stay off the crank damon

Damon Sands: i had a really, really hard day and i think i've finally gone back breaking point.

CrazySwede69: *L*

Damon Sands: back = past

Bloodmane69: what about BM's char???

diTerces: I'm gonna kill em ALL!

Damon Sands: katya. she's hot. but i don't fantasize about her in handcuffs.

diTerces: with my little pretty boy gay kin!

diTerces: HAHHAHA

Bloodmane69: LMAO

Lich 613: bh

Stitchs Doll: *needs to make a red headed character*

Lich 613: Tristian couldn't kill time :p

diTerces: he could TOO!

CrazySwede69: Stitchs Doll: *needs to make a red headed character*

[that was like...murder me yellow]

Damon Sands: OUCH.


Lich 613: DAMNIT!

Damon Sands: (says he who shared the pain)

CrazySwede69: *L* your welcome : )


Bloodmane69: I agree Lich

Damon Sands: heh. you know what i like about imogen? she's a FRIGID ASS redhead. god, how hot is that? *rowrrr*

Bloodmane69: it cant always be happy forest green

CrazySwede69: Bloodmane69: it cant always be happy forest green

Lich 613: LOL

Stitchs Doll: damon and his obsession with ice queens

CrazySwede69: yes it can lol

CrazySwede69: lol im just obsessed about red heads lol

Bloodmane69: CrazySwede69 (4:00:26 AM): Bloodmane69

CrazySwede69: luckily, in most cases, i can keep that separate from my chars lol

Damon Sands: *LOL* well bah! i like ice queens. she's not an ice queen though. she's f'ing passionate under all the ice, which is even hotter. holy shit. whoo.

diTerces: its always happy forest green on MY screne. *L*

Bloodmane69: diTerces (4:01:11 AM): its always happy forest green on MY screne. *L

Damon Sands: [damon, you're talking about a character. snap outta it.]

Bloodmane69: apparently

CrazySwede69: *L*

Damon Sands: *dies*

Damon Sands: diTerces: its always happy forest green on MY screne. *L*

Damon Sands: that sounds so... stoned.

CrazySwede69: poor Damon

CrazySwede69: *nodnod*

Lich 613: ARE you stoned damon?

diTerces: i'm NOT STONED!

Damon Sands: i'm not stoned.

diTerces: I could be. I'm just not.

diTerces: *L*

Damon Sands: i've had a very few shots of vodka though.

Lich 613: Did you finnaly take the MDs way out and pillfer the pharmacy?

Stitchs Doll: Swede, i posted

Damon Sands: NO!

Lich 613: you should :D

Damon Sands: *cracks up* no!

Damon Sands: get fired.

diTerces: and then!

Lich 613: atleast say you got blockum

diTerces: who would tell us stories

[here it comes to HAUNT ME--]

diTerces: about the BABY HEAD CLAMPS

diTerces: and various uses?

Bloodmane69: LMAO!!!!

Damon Sands: *DIES*

Bloodmane69: Ill never look at a philips head screwdriver the same way again



Lich 613: baby head what?

diTerces: even _I_ know what' they're called!

Lich 613: wtf?!

Damon Sands: you know what i meant! i thought y'all wouldn't GET it if i used some technical-ass term!

Damon Sands: what are they called?

diTerces: forceps!

Damon Sands: *LMAO*

Damon Sands: oh yeah, you said that already.

diTerces: <-was training to be a midwife dammit!

Damon Sands: actually i think they have like a specific name.

Lich 613: head foreceps?

diTerces: forceps!

diTerces: *L*

Damon Sands: because forceps are just very broad term for anything you use to grasp with.

diTerces: or...

diTerces: specifically...


Damon Sands: baby head forceps

diTerces: *LMAO*


Damon Sands: *FUCKING DIES*

diTerces: *in tears all over again*

CrazySwede69: *DIES*

CrazySwede69: Again with the clamps! lol

Damon Sands: okay. when you scream it in caps, it looks very idiotic.

Damon Sands: but i swear baby-head clamps doesn't look so bad.

CrazySwede69: *L*

diTerces: oh its SUCH a diffference...

CrazySwede69: well, it certainly sounds it lol

Damon Sands: i'm just DESCRIBING IT!

diTerces: bet he has a doomahicky that goes to a thingamabob too!

diTerces: right next to the whatchamacallit!

diTerces: cuz he's EDJUMACATED!

[then a bit later lich gets a bright idea...]

Lich 613: You know what we should do Damon?

Damon Sands: it's good to be a guy. our only worry is to get the baby IN there. it's her problem to get it OUT.

[leftover comment. you probably don't wanna know.]

Damon Sands: what should we do, lich?

diTerces: *LMAO*

Lich 613: Since you made Mei admin and she won't let us raid the kingirls

diTerces: hell, one pain and men would be demanding test tube babies. *LOL*

Lich 613: we should all just get drunk and get into a high speed chase :p

diTerces: or the kin boys!

diTerces: *protects Tris*

CrazySwede69: Bah!

Damon Sands: *LMAO* what the heck!

diTerces: oooooooooooh! do like... the street racing!

Lich 613: "Decker! Loose the fucking Chopper!"

diTerces: have Roxy fix up a buncha cars!

CrazySwede69: Yeah! sweet : )

Damon Sands: decker needs to take his truck back to roxy

diTerces: what he do to the truck????

Damon Sands: get it lowered and hooked up with nitrous.

CrazySwede69: well, until someone crashes, frenzies and starts tearing the audience to bits, yeah lol

diTerces: oh!

diTerces: *L*

Damon Sands: nothing!!

diTerces: whew!

diTerces: *LAO*

Damon Sands: he needs mods to streetrace though.

diTerces: Hell yeah!

Damon Sands: *dies*

Damon Sands: it's all fun and games til someone gets RARed!

Lich 613: dude a fucking SUV aint street racing


Damon Sands: it's a TRUCK you ijjit!

Damon Sands: i can hear mei already:

Damon Sands: "Don't encourage them."

Damon Sands: "that's DAMON and LICH."

diTerces: oh yes.

Damon Sands: "they're NUTS."

CrazySwede69: LOL

diTerces: The little Mei on my shoulder...

Damon Sands: "they might actually DO this shit."

diTerces: is insisting that I be the voice of reason.

diTerces: So.

diTerces: No.

Lich 613: We can encourge each other though

diTerces: Boy.

diTerces: behave.

Lich 613: HA HA!

Damon Sands: ya'l think i'm kidding. she said that VERBATIM *LMAO*

diTerces: (CAN I HAVE CAR???)

diTerces: (I WANNA PLAY!!!)

Damon Sands: "that's DAMON. he's NUTS. he might actually DO this shit."

diTerces: You shouldn't even think of such things....

diTerces: (a really COOL car! Tris can drive now even! he'd kick ya'lls ASS!)

diTerces: I mean no. stop. don''t.

diTerces: *Chuckles*

Damon Sands: lessa.

Lich 613: awww, thats cute, tristian wants to play LOL

diTerces: j*LMAO*

Damon Sands: take you and your multiple personalities.

diTerces: (now he sends me to bed...)


diTerces: WHOOHOO! padded WALLS!

diTerces: Straight jackets!


diTerces: happy pills!


diTerces: sign me UP!

CrazySwede69: *raises hand* that would be me

diTerces: *Dives over to tackle the swede and drag him off to the... institution..*

Lich 613: Seriously though

CrazySwede69: WOHO!

Lich 613: the Garou need to all just steal cars and have some huge race

Lich 613: the police? BAH! Just one of the obsicals to get around!

[this part just.. .CRACKED ME UP, cuz BM's dunDUH's were so PERFECTLY timed]

Damon Sands: and then dharma claps us all into jail *LOL*

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*


Bloodmane69: dunDUH

CrazySwede69: ohh goodie! lol

Bloodmane69: dunDUH


Bloodmane69: dunDUH

Damon Sands: *DIIIIES*

Lich 613: LOL

Bloodmane69: dundundundund CHOMP!

Damon Sands: fucking STOP the shark jmusic i'm gonna have a hernia from laughing

Damon Sands: *DIE*S

Bloodmane69: lmao

CrazySwede69: "Get me my harpoon!!!"


Damon Sands: OOWWW..

Damon Sands: *dies*

Bloodmane69: If she only knew how much fun she was to us, alongside being infuriating.. she would stop

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

CrazySwede69: hell yeah

Damon Sands: *LOL!!*

[a bit later, BM plots to kill vampires--]

Bloodmane69: Ok.. the vampires are often unmonitored .. sitting in the rooms without witnesses..

Bloodmane69: here's the plan..

Damon Sands: INCOGNITO!

Damon Sands: KILL!

Bloodmane69: Ok, there's no plan other than the obvious

Damon Sands: i'm the worst f'ing admin in history *LMAO*

Bloodmane69: yeah he just said it

Lich 613: nah screw that

Lich 613: PFX will have a stroke

Bloodmane69: That's a bonus

Damon Sands: LET EM

Bloodmane69: not a detriment


[*DYING ALL OVER AGAIN.* i can just see like. psycho PFX having a hen moment]

Damon Sands: *DIES*

Bloodmane69: in fact that's actually ENCOURAGING


Damon Sands: he'd never have the guts to pass out silver to his crew


Bloodmane69: LMAO

Damon Sands: *HOWLING*

Damon Sands: owww..

Bloodmane69: He spent more time worrying about 'Ok if you are going to play your caricture (his spelling) tell me by the end of the week.'

Bloodmane69: next week..

Damon Sands: caricture?

Damon Sands: *just stares*

Bloodmane69: 'ok. if you are going to..'

Bloodmane69: ove and over

[trish comes in]

Afridelle: *gets stapel gun and duct tape*

Afridelle: yeah I see how it is...

Bloodmane69: ooo kinky

Afridelle: ya'll were like "Fuck! Fortune's awake... shuddup... yeah, stop tlaking"

Lich 613: pretty much

Bloodmane69: lol

Afridelle: *staples Lich to the ceiling*

Lich 613: weeeeeeeeee

Lich 613: check it out I'm spider man!


and then later--]

Damon Sands: oh man

Damon Sands: you shoulda been here earlier, trish

Damon Sands: we're all kinda tired now

Damon Sands: it was PSYCHO earlier

Afridelle: I ALWAYS miss the good shit

Damon Sands: yeah.

Damon Sands: the good shit liketh you not.

Apocrypha Angel: LOL

Afridelle: so it would seem

Apocrypha Angel: Una's making a bargain with the cog

Damon Sands: man DL tell her about the shark attack.

Damon Sands: i still crack up about that *LOL*

CrazySwede69: llol

CrazySwede69: yeps

Bardic Obsession: Dharma = Jaws.

Afridelle: god should I log in

Damon Sands: no, you gotta go into DETAIL!

Afridelle: sounds about right DL

Bardic Obsession: Dammit.

Bloodmane69: do it right DL!

Bloodmane69: shit

Damon Sands: okay BM.

Damon Sands: we gotta do sound effects.

Damon Sands: lay out the scene, DL!

Bloodmane69: go go go!

Bardic Obsession: Imagine a day on the beach, everybody's out having fun..

Bloodmane69: Im ready with teh effects

Afridelle: is Una selling her soul...cuz Yulya would be pissed

Damon Sands: fwwsshhh (is the ocean)

CrazySwede69: Nah, just her ass lol

Apocrypha Angel: *DIES*

Bloodmane69: calm breezee... tropical birds...

CrazySwede69: *.......* Is sunlight*

Bardic Obsession: Then some people in the water go a little further out, splashing along..

Afridelle: Hey now! thats Yulya's sister

Damon Sands: *dies* sunlight!

Damon Sands: *splishsploosh*

Afridelle: heard she wore a shirt she got from bitch kin

Bloodmane69: *splish*

Bloodmane69: *giddy laughter*


Afridelle: Im watching fool

Bloodmane69: fool!!

Apocrypha Angel: lol

Damon Sands: FOOL!!

Bloodmane69: I love it

Bardic Obsession: Everything's beautiful.. then.. there's a fin spotted in the water!

Bloodmane69: call me fool like that!

Damon Sands: dunDUN.

Bloodmane69: dunDUN

[...we were SUCH IDIOTS. *LMAO*]

Damon Sands: *dies*

CrazySwede69: "Ohh, how warm and wonderfulk the water is!-2 *Random swimmer out way too deep*


Damon Sands: *LMFAO*

Bloodmane69: This is a metaphon

Damon Sands: shouldn't he be going "oh what fun we're having on chicago!"

Bardic Obsession: Off in the distance, the people on the beach hear a scream!

Bloodmane69: metaphor

Damon Sands: "EEEEEEEK!"

CrazySwede69: Hmm.. True..

Damon Sands: dunDUN!

Bardic Obsession: They look to see what's going on!

Bloodmane69: dunDUN

Damon Sands: dunDUN!

Bloodmane69: dundundundundundundun


Damon Sands: dunDUNdunDUNdunDUNdunDUN--CHOMP!!!!

CrazySwede69: *Splooosh!*

Bardic Obsession: The beach panics! Everyone runs for cover!

Apocrypha Angel: *snores*


Apocrypha Angel: ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Bloodmane69: Everyone is just chugging along.. having a good time.. playing their characters

Bloodmane69: and BOOM

Bloodmane69: in comes DHarma

Bloodmane69: CHOMP

Damon Sands: *HOWLING*

Bloodmane69: then swims the FUCK off

Damon Sands: *DIES*

CrazySwede69: "Yo, Be-jatch! where is my harpoon!" <----- Damon

Damon Sands: *wiping tears here*

Bardic Obsession: And a lone guy standing on the dock smokes a cigarette.. and says..

CrazySwede69: ack, i was too quick lol

Bardic Obsession: Dammit!

Damon Sands: *LOLOL*

Damon Sands: *LMFAO* owwww

Damon Sands: oh man, i love you people *LMAO*

[i really MEANT IT TOO. it was like a drunken love-the-world moment.]

Apocrypha Angel: no you don't

Apocrypha Angel: You just say that

Afridelle: *just...stares*

Bardic Obsession: Only Bloodmane loves me.

Bardic Obsession: *sniff*

Bloodmane69: That's not enough?

Bloodmane69: what the fuck?

Damon Sands: no, i really do! *LMAO*

Apocrypha Angel: What are you staring at trish

CrazySwede69: *L*

Damon Sands: y'all rock. you are GOOD PEOPLE *ROTFLMAO*

Afridelle: the craziness of the night

Damon Sands: she's staring at me acting like a drunken fool *LOL*

Apocrypha Angel: no shit

Bardic Obsession: *bats lashes at BM* It will be if you say I'm pretty!

Afridelle: *feels the love from cave damon*

CrazySwede69: Bah, should have been here a few hoursa ago lol

[...expect to see this dharmashark thing a LOT MORE.]

Damon Sands: oh man. okay guys. i should head to bed *LOL*

CrazySwede69: *ROFL@Trish*

Afridelle: No!

Afridelle: *clings to damon*

CrazySwede69: *LOL* No Damon! just 15 more minutes!

Bloodmane69: Damon 15 minutes bra!

Damon Sands: *LMFAO* Y'ALL SUCK

Bloodmane69: LMAO

CrazySwede69: DunDUN!

Afridelle: naw, that'd be nice then

Damon Sands: *goes get some FOOD*

Apocrypha Angel: yes i do

Damon Sands: dunDUN!

CrazySwede69: *ROFL*

Apocrypha Angel: Quite well thank you

Bloodmane69: dunDUN

Damon Sands: dunDUNdunDUNdunDUNdunDUNdunDUNdunDUNdunDUN

Afridelle: Go shan!

CrazySwede69: DunDUnDunDun

Bloodmane69: Shan does

Damon Sands: CRUNNCHH!!!

Afridelle: *splish spalsh*

CrazySwede69: EEEEK!

Damon Sands: *ROTFLMAO!!!*

Apocrypha Angel: (snores)

Afridelle: *licks shan*

Bloodmane69: shan keeps snoring

....okay, that's all the insanity for now. night!


-=[Be Heard]=- -=[Herald]=- -=[Strangers]=-