Feathers from the Fall







Doktor Von Psycho

10.16.2003 [10ish]

Q: if you could live in any FICTIONAL city, what would it be?

Wolf: Probably Barbarois.

D: ...where?

W: I think that's the spelling

W: Barbarois.... it's... hm. Lemme find a better descript than off the top of my head.


Rachel: nyc! (hee) okay. (thinks)

R: avalon i think.

R: tho I DO like the city in that movie: "the fifth element"

D: that WAS NYC *LOL*


Lessa: D'Hara

D: where?

L: D'Hara. *chuckles* from the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. Under Richard as Lord Rahl, though, not Darrken Rahl cuz he was an evil bastard.

D: ....ooookay.

D: *LOL*

D: *notes that*


Lucky: Helms Deep


Hanch: Wow. Hm.

H: St. Louis from the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series. (I know, the city's not fictional, but in her series it's teeming with supernatural life)

H: Either that or Lothlorien.


Other Rachel: Hm.......

R: candy land?


Bloodmane: hmmm *ponders*

B: This is hard...

B: Ah HAH! Atlantis! Because as we saw on the disney movie.. it's filled with hot half-naked chicks.


Me: Gotham City. Cuz it's all dark and gritty and futuristic-noir.

-=[Be Heard]=- -=[Herald]=- -=[Strangers]=-