Feathers from the Fall







Doktor Von Psycho

10.20.2002 [almost 3am]

it's fucking!


omfg. i'm unbelievably happy. i am. SO. happy. i feel like i'm stoned, or drunk, but i'm neither. i'm just. SOARING.


so picture this. it's 2:46am. i'm coming back from bri's. it's cold, it's dark, i park the car, and i start walking up the path to my apt. building, which is this big giant skyscraper thing. okay, not skyscraper, but like 15 stories high.

and then.

water on my cheek. what? huh? look up. did i imagine it? did a bird piss on me?

another droplet. and another. and another and another and another and another.

rain on the sidewalk. rain on the leaves. rain on the dirt. rain on me.

i could've died and been happy. i felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. i have waited MONTHS for rain, watching those big swollen thunderclouds moving just over the hills, dissolving as it came near into, at most, a sheet of overcast-ness.

no rain. none.

i. craved. rain. i wanted it like i wanted sex. food. AIR. i have wanted it for months now, all those damned hot days, and now - outside - if i turn off my music (sarah mclachlan tonight; i'm rediscovering her and loving her, i'm loving the whole fucking world tonight) - i can hear it.



-=[Be Heard]=- -=[Herald]=- -=[Strangers]=-