Feathers from the Fall







Doktor Von Psycho

10.15.2002 [afternoon madness]

Question: Can an ice queen remain an ice queen post-coitus? (Ice queen is defined as an "untouchable", but desirable woman.)

(the baffled response is popular--)

Lessa: *blinks... *LMAO&*

Well... uh.... Technically, I'm sure she could.. though it may not be believed as readily if she had really warmed up during the play. *L* I wouldn't expect her attitude to be changed by just one really good romp in the hay.. she may still be the ice queen outside, whore behind bedroom doors... *L*

(another baffled survey-ee--)

Heather: ~stares~ what exactly does this have to do with?

D: this is just a survey *LOL*

H: rofl. no, she doesn't.

D: why?

H: heh. she's no longer untouchable! she's now...fuckable?

Chaosgirl: LMAO. right, no they cannot. i dont know if its true for all cases. i suppose someone could be an ice queen to the world except one person.

Zeb: Depends on the kind of coitus. *nods*

Though generally no, she usually devolves into Frigid Bitch. If it's heavy lusty vocal exertion sex that could tire out a marathon runner, nah, she's not an ice queen anymore.

If it's either severe domination on her part, or she just lies there ad takes it, yeah, she can stay.

Chuck: ~raises an eyebrow~ Considering that your definition of Ice Queen is different than mine, I have no answer for you. ~chuckle~

But, in essence, the utter bitch-princess sort-of personality can indeed remain so after coitus, even if it was phenomenal. Hell you yourself have pointed out that Viconia tells you you suck in bed after the fact... that tends to be a fairly common sort of result in that situation.

IE, the sex comes across more as mere physical gratification (which is meaningless on the emotional level), or almost antagonistic/hostile.

(our hero is distracted...)

D: Viconia... *drool*

C: ~laughs~ See, THAT'S why you're so drawn to her... she fits the Ice Princess mold. ~grin~

D: Well, duh *LOL*

Wolf: nope.

D: Why not?

W: well, ice queens are untouchable, right? in your definition, she'd be getting touched all over, woudln't she.... even if she was just fucking like a guy

Nellie: *blinkblink* ummm.........maybe a little. depends on how mad she is that she lost control *G*

(then the conversation swerves into alien territory...)

N: why are you asking me this? *RaE* Sex talk with Jess?

(...and our hero frantically banishes THAT thought...)

D: *LMAO* no, ice queen talk w/ jess.

(...to no avail!)

N: why are you talking about getting nookie from the ice queen?

D: we're NOT!

N: uh-huh.

--so! Survey says: for the most part, no. But she can remain an ice queen if she's utterly frigid during sex as well.

Another massive waste of time!

-=[Be Heard]=- -=[Herald]=- -=[Strangers]=-