Feathers from the Fall







Doktor Von Psycho

9.19.2002 [just past noon]

i am so. tired.

i slept at 3:30am (couldn't sleep earlier. was romancing viconia.) and i got up at like. 10am? That's 6.5 hrs of sleep, which is good, but i am still. so. tired.

that said, there's nothing more to say. guess this is gonna be another one of my short entries. heh.

well, i guess i could say this: those vision elite pens? god. love 'em. i'm stocked with like 3 of them, which i don't need, because they're refillable and i have like six billion refills for 'em. but i still like having them around. they're puuurty. 3 shiny silvery sleek styluses.

i am the master of alliteration.

no i'm not, but hey. heh. i'm tired. cut me some slack.

this is what i want right now:

pillow, face down, light off, sprawl, sleep. zzz.

that's it! i'd be so easily satisfied. but nooo, gotta drag my ass up and go to appt. fuckin little whiny brats. hahaha.

btw those of you who don't know who tf viconia is, you don't wanna know.

addictive. grr.

keeling over in 10, 9, 8...

no! up! on your feet, soldier! get to work! go! come on! MOVE YOUR LAZY ASS!

...okay, that did not work, obviously, since i'm still here typing vigorously.

ok going to work now. really.

-=[Be Heard]=- -=[Herald]=- -=[Strangers]=-