Feathers from the Fall







Doktor Von Psycho

O.D. 9.26.2001 [1:35 p.m.]

(This is my Brujah antitribu, Chainsaw Jack, and his fellow Brujah whom he's mad at (JC2's Trekker), Liz's Tzimisce Koldun (the frigid one alluded to earlier - Constanta Iliescu), and some others.)



Wed 09:10PM Balls and a whooooooooooole lot more, sweetheart...

The leather clad arms tug her into and amid the clubbers.. shit... these were worse than the ones at the Rev... a REAL club...

And as such the dance of seduction begins....

[Chainsaw Jack]


Wed 09:11PM Maybe he was following Derek. Maybe he was following the call of Vaulderie. Whatever it is, it draws him to the Club Mono, and once he's there, once he figures out who else is there, there's only one way to go.

His massive form blocks what little light there is coming from the outside, and in one hand he holds his chainsaw. The other is free, but there's a curious inflexibility to his elbow joint. His upper lip curls as he catches sight of Trekker.

"Dere he is..." he breathes to Megara, eyes narrowing, knuckles tightening around the handle of the chainsaw.

[Szeb Moreland]


Wed 09:13PM *She wiggles and squirms in Trekkers arms as she pulls at his arms to no avail. Seduction, thats not what she would call it, more like a groping fest for rapists. If she gets the chance she's going to cause him alot of pain, the sort of pain dead men beg to not have to endure, the loss of there nuts.* Oh I'm sure, All the good jocks say that, but I would imagine your less endowed then them.



Wed 09:13PM Leaning around Saw's bulk to look into the club, then nod slowly. Oh my, Saw was on the warpath and it wasn't going to be pretty. A wicked little grin cross crimson lips with the thought of Carnage. Maybe a few of the patrons in here would find themselves suddenly dead? She could dream still.



Wed 09:17PM Leaning forward, he hisses in her ear, "Only one way to find out..."

And then it hits... the twinge in the blood, the call of the Vauld, there are two close... Cousins.... very close...

The quirming woman is released, and SHOVED away into a group of waiting clubbers, "We're done."

Then the ise blues waste no time in finds what HE'S looking for, The Rabble Mountain... Saw.

He grins....

[Chainsaw Jack]


Wed 09:18PM In his dark face, his nostrils flare wide as he inhales like an animal, scenting prey. No...Chainsaw wasn't handsome. He wasn't even so-so. He was downright ugly, but he was big, too; seven inches over six feet, one foot taller than Trekker. And wide, and solid, and really. Really. Pissed.

Snorting, oblivious to all but Trekker swimming in a haze of red rage, he stomps across the room. One ham-sized hand lands roughly on the scruff of the smaller Brujah's neck. He heaves -

(so much for seduction)

- and lifts Trekker clear off the ground, clear off Szeb, turning him around slowly to face 'Saw, nose to oft-broken nose. "Wut," snarls the big black Brujah, "didjoo think you wuz doin'?"



Wed 09:20PM Pursing her lips while watching. She and Saw had already had it out and had a heart to heart which only served to make Saw's cold heart flame with fury. No, this wasn't going to be pretty, but then again, neither was Saw.

[Szeb Moreland]


Wed 09:21PM *She gets thrusted into the croud of clubber and nearly falls. She turns and is going after the man, but something about that OTHER man stops her as he picks Trekker off the ground. She blinks, her jaw gapping a bit, now "Thats" King fucking kong, jesus christ, and about as ugly too.*



Wed 09:24PM Most of her attention on Saw and Trekker, though well aware of dog breath, having smelled wet mutt as soon as they entered. And oh so very well aware of the blood boiling through the female's veins after she is shoved away. Not one to have qualms about gutting mortals and dining on the spot. Part of her waiting to see if the female would be stupid enough to jump in and leave herself open to becoming a dinner companion.

[Szeb Moreland]


Wed 09:25PM *Okey now see, Szeb's a tought bitch, she's taken more beatings in her life then she would even like to count. But she ain't fuckin with that man. Course if he is gonna pound Trekker she isn't beyond taking a minute to kick him while he is down. She growls softly and stalks towards the bar, she isn't leaving, not yet*

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Wed 09:26PM *She stop and look at the crowd inside the club, silent and as usual, seeming detached by all, considering, usually she is not easy to be missed, but if one don't look over th ecrowd, is easy inside the club..*

[Chainsaw Jack]


Wed 09:27PM Yeah, for a minute you might almost think he was being a knight or somethin', saving the damsel from the...uh...Trekker. Alas, he never was much for that shit. Whatever he's pissed about, it's not that.

Flush for flush, 'Saw's dark skin takes on a warmer tone, too. At the response he slams Trekker face-first against the wall, hard enough to crack the plaster on the wall. "Whodafuck you think you is, whitey, tryin to steal ma priest? Whodafuck you think you is, askin her widout a word to me? Whodafuck broughtcho sorry ass ova when I shoulda killed it?"

WHAM! He slams Trekker into the wall again, and then lets him down, propelling him out. "Lez go, fucka. You mess widda wrong nigga. Lez go."

[Szeb Moreland]


Wed 09:30PM *She leans against the bar and smirks, not that she understood a lick of what he just said but the anger she understands all to clear. A fraction of a blink as she see's the force to which is used and thank god it doesn't register in her mind that a mortal man couldn't do that, well not yet anyways. She orders another beer and lights a smoke as she hops up onto a stool and makes for watching the show. This should be better then cable damn it*



Wed 09:31PM Oh yeah, he's grinning as he gets slammed, and as he gets shoved he goes two steps, then kneels, spins in a tight circle, and punches Saw dead in the crotch, HARD, then rises to his feet with an equallly cracking upper cut to the bigger man's jaw...

Then blinks through the blood in his eye, "Yeah... Lez go." jerking a finger toward the doorway...

[Szeb Moreland]


Wed 09:34PM *She wrinkles her nose, damn that had to hurt, taking a drink of the beer thats brought to her. One thing is for sure, the big guy will do more damage then she could, hmphs and takes a drag off her cigarette*

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Wed 09:35PM *Her head turn at the fight, not that is easy to Miss a tiny and delicate creature like Saw moving.. when make fly another is even more noticable... ahh so cute they are.. vampires at play.. wher is a camera when you need it? that's A Kodak moment.. she just start to walk toward them, the last thing she need is the two destroy one o fth eplaces of her pack, and th elast thing she need is that th etwo make a even bigger silly things, killing each other... *

[Derek Thompson]


Wed 09:36PM *He starts towards the door when the face slamming starts, mainly because he wanted an out being outnumbered and going through a wall took too much time...But he leans next to the door way turning to watch the leeches knock each other around*

[Chainsaw Jack]


Wed 09:38PM He takes the first hit with a grunt and a wince, the second with barely a blink. Without a reply, he pulls the ripcord on the chainsaw, and the crowd around him immediately clears out in a six-foot radius. No one wants to be within swinging range of something like that.

They go out without a word, side by side for the moment (and for the last time?), around the side, into the alley, out the sight of prying eyes.

After all, this was personal.

Once there, 'Saw cracks his neck to one side, and then the other. Then, without much in the way of warning, he lunges for Trekker, teeth bared, chainsaw snarling.

((Probably gonna need a mod for this...))

[Szeb Moreland]


Wed 09:40PM *She glances at the door, maybe she should take the opertunity to make her slip now, while the getting was good, the last thing she needs is the cops asking alot of questions. She sighs softly and grumbles as she shoots a glare at Trekkers general direction. He will get his, eventually, tonight wont be the night. She slips off the stool, taking one last drink of her beer, then makes her way to the door.*



Wed 09:44PM Following behind the pair, but staying well out of reach of the chainsaw. "Saw..."

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Wed 09:44PM *Another big shape follow the two, at least maybe that two can do a terrible silly thing following the Rules, she seem not worried by the chainsaw of Chainsaw(Jason wher are you?), and slip in the Alley goin to put herself between teh two hopefully bfore jup at each other troath*



Wed 10:02PM Okay, guys, here's how it is. Send me this all in a nice comprehensive post.

1. Scene as you see it.

2. What you are. Generation/Clan/etc

3. What you have. Stats. Please don't send me your character sheet, but make sure to include EVERYTHING I might need in a mod. For example: Stamina for soak rolls. IF it's completely bizarre, I'll ask you. If it's something basic, and you don't give it to me then I assume you don't have it. Even if the rules say you must. Please include all disciplines.

4. Anything special you have. Guns, knives, mallets, nukes, etc. If you do not inform me within this first post, you will not have it for the duration of the scene.

5. Your actions (hah, you thought I forgot, didn't you?). Please include difficulties, etc, if possible.

6. Anything else I might need to aid the scene.

My goal for this is to do it as quickly as possible. Please, please, please don't post in public, keep everything to PMs and don't include me in anything that is not your action posts. Everything must be in the one post.

(tips hat) Thank you.

Round 1.



Wed 10:59PM Today just doesn't seem to be Chainsaw Jack's night. The chainsaw whirrs, it's heavy whine loud through North Charleston as he takes a swipe at the the miniature brujah, one handed. Perhaps he got too cocky. Perhaps Trekker is simply too fast. The little brujah knight dodges behind Tesla as she approaches. The chainsaw hits nothing but air, though periliously close to Spicaretick's arm. The larger Brujah is undaunted.

His actions are fast. The entire fight is blurring, both Trekker and Chainsaw jack moving faster than human... faster than many vampires. A bite, fangs bared, hits only air as the little Brujah jerks back once more, and then both are on the offensive. Blood will spill, and spill it does. Trekker's short sword, the sharp blade gleaming in the moonlight thrusts into Chainsaw's exposed side as the inhuman teeth rip into Trekker's neck. Blood spills indeed, on both sides. The one problem?

Chainsaw still has some wind left. And he's the one with the stake. Bleeding and pained, he forces the sharpened wood through his clansbrother's chest, with a crack and rend of bone, a deafening sound in the sudden silence. One person (should such a word match Chainsaw Jack) stands, while the other falls inert.

It's Chainsaw Jack's night after all.

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Wed 11:09PM *After all seem she came to late.. seem is th enight of the Kodak moments, take your picture of th estaked one... 1 ent teh kids , 1 dollar the adults, she put her big graefull and even beutifull shape between teh staked vampire and the gracefull and gentle mass of muscles blood and flesh of Chainsaw and look him*

"By rules...." *She remind him, if want to break the rules and risk his existence he will have to pass over her body, the sect don't need to lose two memebrs.. even on eis enought.. is.. too much*

[Derek Thompson]


Wed 11:10PM *In the darkness and the shadows of the mouth of the urban cave, that is the alley...he stands in the periphary of the back light from the street making it almost impossible to see his presence. And then there are those gifts given by the mother that he implores to conceal himself*



Wed 11:14PM *Well if that doesn't shock a mortal to piss herself I donno what will, before Trekker even falls to the ground, she's taken flight, running hard and fast, nearly blinds, to get away. Okey staying wasn't the BEST Idea in the world. She can't even comprihend what she just saw, let alone want to deal with an after math of such a thing. Her feet carry her as fast as she can run too*

[Chainsaw Jack]


Wed 11:16PM There's a moment of silence.

Then, grunting, 'Saw turns off his chainsaw and lowers its whirring blade. The last echoes bounce off the walls and falls to silence. Licking the blood off his lips, he spits it out to the side and cracks his neck again. Once. And then again. It's all very loud in the sudden silence following the burst of action.

He wipes his mouth off on the back of his left hand - now empty, its burden in Trekker's chest. He narrows his eyes at Tesla. "Ain't gon keel him." 'Saw looks around, and then back at Tesla. "Jus' gon' take him to his Ductus. She took 'im into her pack. Let her deal wid dis little shit.

"Move 'side, Tesla. Dis ain't yo fight."

[Chainsaw Jack]


Wed 11:23PM 'Saw exhales and leans down, grabbing Trekker by the lapels of his coat and swinging him over his shoulder. "A'ight den."

Megara, meanwhile, has slipped off into the night unseen...

[Derek Thompson]


Wed 11:23PM *He smirks and decides to make his presence known now. Why, because he knows he can kill 2 vampires, 3 would be more dangerous. So he drops his shroud and steps into the light and the 6'6" thug is suddenly very visible and all too close (lupines know obfuscate?!). His arms are cross and he approaches silently standing next to Saw looking down at the staked body. He doesn't say anything and for some reason that make it all the more creepy*

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Wed 11:30PM *The sudden appearance of the main pain in the ass of th eneightbour of vampire can make somone worry?

Seem not, seem vampires know Celerity, and of course obfuscate, more then one time they have use dit, so that's jus tanother confirmation, as usual her expression is neutral, the face of th ewerewolf is well know, but now they have mor epressing matters to deal that play with them, the matter between Trekker and Chainsaw will be an big eought pain in the ass, she look Saw and make to him a gesture with th ehead, inviting him to just walk out of the alley, if the wol fis so stuid to attack in an alleay near a place where usually stand all her pack, well a less wolf, they have matter to solve with th eLady this night*

[Chainsaw Jack]


Wed 11:41PM It's not the cavalry, but...

'Saw and Tesla enter the Provost, Trekker slung limply over 'Saw's shoulder. Facedown, it's hard to tell what's wrong with him, but one look at 'Saw's grim face gives something of an answer. The big Brujah stomps over to Constanta's office and hammers on the door. While waiting for it to open, he stomps around, snorting.

[Constanta Iliescu]


Wed 11:48PM The ghoul standing to one side of the remains absolutely still, even in the face of Chainsaw's snorting, menacing presence. Soon enough, however, it moves - this time to open the door on which the overlarge Brujah had hammered so furiously. Constanta is seated at the desk at the far end of the echoing stone room. She glances up as the door opens, but makes no welcoming gesture.

[Chainsaw Jack]


Wed 11:51PM That's all right, because 'Saw wasn't in the mood for welcomes. Stamping in (bull in a china shop, anyone?), he dumps Trekker onto Constanta's desk, face-up. There's a stake sticking out of his chest.

That would explain the paralysis, yes...

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Wed 11:52PM *She is not properly a diplomat, her look, and her manners, well, surely not.. but near Chainsaw, and near a angered Brujah, she seem like Mother Teresa, she make a respctfull nod as usual when meet the Lady bishop , her expression not changed of an inch while a bit more calmly wait a moment for an aknowldegement and maybe even for a permission, then enter *

[Constanta Iliescu]


Thu 12:03AM That would explain the paralysis, yes - and considering precisely whom she is, it is difficult to imagine that she was not already aware of it. She glances up at Chainsaw, her cold blue eyes sweeping causticly over his coarse features, and demands, quietly, stirringly, perhaps even dangerously, "What is the meaning of this?"

[Chainsaw Jack]


Thu 12:06AM 'Saw angles his jaw up, the ebony skin of his scalp and cheeks reflecting the light. "He 'proached ma Priest. Asked her to make a NEW pack wid him when she becomes Bishop, cuz a Bishop needs a betta pack 'n Carnage. Neva seyd nuthin to me. He disrespected me, ma Priest, 'n ma pack."



Thu 12:16AM Staked, the Little Brujah just lays there... totally inert... but the sights adn sounds around him? Unlike the time the depths of torpor made him unaware of things arouind him, this one is different....

Not to menton those nasty, nasty bite wounds in and about his neck and shoulder to hurt... and will, if/when he becomes animate... he's gonna be... a bit hungry...

[Constanta Iliescu]


Thu 12:19AM "Indeed." The ensuing silence is painfully long.

She steeples her fingers, and watches Chainsaw for several interminable minutes, expressionless. Only when it seems clear that she will say nothing more does she speak again in her distant, inflectionless voice. "Do you seek further remedy?"

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Thu 12:20AM *She's not Staked, of course, but none theless, somone can think different, cause the tall slavic girl is silent, ummoving, seeming a statue made of flesh, who enter mayb thnk that th eLady bishop tought to put one in teh office just for show... she add nothing at th estory, she know few, she was just there to be sure that the two don't killed each other, it could be an interna l matter between Trekker and Constanta, ora matter to be solved as Bishop, and she is always up to learn...*

[Chainsaw Jack]


Thu 12:22AM "Me?" He inhales loudly and angrily. "No. But you might wan' do sumthin' 'bout yo faithless" the word is spat down at Trekker, "packmate, 'n his dealin's behind yo back."

'Saw looks like he's about to say more - because there was more to say, more than he had heard from his own packmate - but after a moment he just shuts his mouth.

[Constanta Iliescu]


Thu 12:29AM "You should embrace an attorney, Ductus," she smirks, so faintly and so cruelly, before once more smoothing her face of all extraneous expression. "...and keep him with you at all times. And perhaps a doctor, to surgically excise your foot from your mouth when it becomes so lodged despite the best efforts of your attorney. I asked if you sought further remedy, and nothing more. Now," she continues, drumming her fingers thrice across the polished surface of the desk, "...did you have anything else to say?"

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Thu 12:35AM *She don't ad dnothing, is a matter that was asked at Chainsaw, she look back at him and just offer her neautral look at him, if he would have killed Trekker that woul danother matter, but in this ase, unless th eLady don't want to delegate to her some decision, have, or can tell few..*

[Constanta Iliescu]


Thu 12:41AM The Bishop glances from each to each, wordlessly, before dropping her gaze again to the still form of her packmate. "Good evening, then," she says to Chainsaw, in the same clipped tones that another might say get out.

[Chainsaw Jack]


Thu 12:43AM 'Saw blinks. Dayum, gotta take some of those vocal training courses. He scratches the back of his neck, shrugs at Tesla, and ambles out. "'Night, Bishop," he calls over his shoulder. "Don't git dead."

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Thu 12:50AM *She bow lightly the head at the Lady bishop, as usual her respect go to her, then she turn following silently HCiansaw outside the Office, and when they are outside she tell in eher monotone tone*

"Need a passage back?"

[Chainsaw Jack]


Thu 12:51AM 'Saw grunts. "Nah, got ma bike parked no far off." He finishes scratching his neck, winces and pulls up his shirt to examine his freshly healed side, and then looks at Tesla. "Heard you wuz gon' be Bishop soon, from Meg."

[Tesla Spicaretick]


Thu 12:54AM *SHe again give a a slight nearly imercetible nod of her head in response to... mayb eboth question, she was never the talktive type, in life, and even less in unlife, for some strange reason, her yougoslavian accent seem to be more thick this night*

"It seem so, as the sect will decide" *Wow.. an hurra for Tesla...*

[Constanta Iliescu]


Thu 12:59AM The ghoul closes the door behind the pair as they leave Constanta's office, but remains within the dark interior. The fiend rises from her delicate seat and gestures to the body slung so unceremoniously across her desk. "Lock him in a private cell with some food, then unstake him and get out. Wait until he is coherent, and tell him that we will discuss this on the morrow."

She watches to be sure that her instructions have been precisely understood, then continues. "He will remain there until tomorrow evening, and he will attend me first thing upon awakening. Be certain that he understands. I will not allow this to begin a cycle of vengeance and retaliation for slights imagined or real."

With that, she turns and disappears further into the rooms she has claimed as her own.

-=[Be Heard]=- -=[Herald]=- -=[Strangers]=-