Feathers from the Fall







Doktor Von Psycho

4.22.2002 [another sleepless night]


Let's talk about Angelina.

I haven't talked about her recently. I think I've abstained long enough. Heh.

Let's talk about...

...her eyes. Let's start with that. Or actually, what I really mean is her eyes, the way they hood, and the way that eyebrow of hers arches like that. You know what I mean.

Oh yeah.

Now, if there was ever - EVER - a competition of sexy eyebrows, she'd win with her hands down. There's never been another woman (or man, for that matter, heh) that's sent my mind tumbling so far down the hallways of lust unreasoning with so little.

An eyebrow! Christ, oh, but what an eyebrow. The way it starts closer to her eye, lower, and then arches up, tapers off. A little wicked, that eyebrow; very dark. Let it be known that I love dark eyebrows on a dark-haired girl.

What a. Mobile. Eyebrow.

It's all about the arch. I'm telling you - it's all about the arching of that eyebrow. There she is, that look of hers, that knowing look, and then - there it is - oh my GOD.

Arching eyebrow.

And then there's her mouth. Yeah, yeah, her much-celebrated mouth, the "beestung" lips. What sort of name is beestung? Sheesh. I prefer lush, and if those lips aren't lush, I don't know what are. It's the lower lip I like. There are women with better-sculpted upper lips than hers, but there's no one I can think of with a better lower lip.

It's that line down the middle, bisecting the lip, that I love. I look at it and I think of plums and peaches, ripe almost to the rot.

But really, it's not even about the physical attributes of that mouth. It's how she uses it.

No, damn it, not that like. Didn't mean it that way, heh (though I'm sure...

ARGH, okay, next thought)

What I mean is: the way she smiles. Not her grin, though - christ, like those grins she uses at premieres and award shows? Yeegad. She's a woman who should not grin.

But her smiles. The shape of the mouth, the curving lips, the white even teeth -

And then the laughing.

She's got the most beautiful laugh. There are women who look like they've eaten something sour when they laugh. There are others that scrunch up too much, or duck their heads, or look otherwise embarrassed that they've been made to laugh. Not Angelina. She's just got this natural, open, open-throated sort of laugh - like her loose-limbed in-her-skin-ness: head tossed back, hair loose, eyes almost shut from laughing; laughing like the summer wind.

Oh, my fucking God, I'm so in love with this girl. Haha! It's insane. It's not fair! Why's she gotta go marry some idiot hick from - what was it, Arkansas? ARGH.


She looks good blonde, you know? She doesn't look blonde - at all - but she looks good blonde. I can't really explain it.

But. It's all about the eyebrow in the end. Well, it's all about a lot more than that, but if there was one thing I had to pick as her absolute best feature, it'd be her eyebrow. The left one, to be exact. And the way it lilts up.

(She has gorgeous hands too, though - very slender without being soft-looking. Capable-seeming hands.)

Right, okay. It's almost 4am, and I need to sleep. The Angelina worship is over for now; put out the incense and snuff out the candles.

Off to bed.

-=[Be Heard]=- -=[Herald]=- -=[Strangers]=-